Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Opus 11 La Passione del Nazarene

Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI
Holds the Cross of Saint Peter

Opus 11
La Passione del Nazarene
The Passion of the Nazarene
Our first opera composed in 2008 is based upon the last days in the life of Jesus of Nazareth—The Passion.

     Temple Steps In Jerusalem         
Temple Steps in Jerusalem

ACT I Running Time: 16 minutes
The opera opens in the Upper Room area with Salome (Soprano), Mary Magdalene (Alto), and Mary, the mother of Jesus (Soprano) singing in a delightful, airy trio--“Mother Mary’s Song.”
The scene shifts to the steps of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple area is crowded and many are talking about the preaching and miracles of Jesus. “Have You Heard About Jesus?” is sung by chorus members.  Annas (Tenor) and Caiaphas (Basso Profundo) are also meeting on the temple steps to discuss their options in how best to deal with the growing popularity of the Nazarene, Jesus. Judas Iscariot (Tenor) makes his entrance onto the stage and is approached by Annas and Caiaphas. A plot against Jesus is agreed upon between the three conspirators.

     Jesus In The Upper Room Jesus Washes Feet of Disciples  

      Disciples First Communion   Jesus Praying In The Garden of Gethsemane

ACT II Running Time: 27 minutes
This act opens with Jesus and his disciples in the Upper Room area. Jesus (Baritone) reveals that one of them will betray him. The disciples begin denying this and the song, “Not I, Master! Not I!” is sung as a male chorus ensemble. Jesus humbles himself before the disciples and washes their feet. Peter (Tenor) at first refuses to allow his Master to wash his feet. The first communion takes place and the song, “The Lord’s Prayer” is introduced by Jesus and reprised by the male chorus of disciples.
After communion, Jesus announces the group is going to go to Gethsemane. At Gethsemane, Jesus prays. At the ending of his prayer, he rises and makes his way back to the area where the disciples are sleeping. He awakens them to alert them that some people are coming their way. Jesus is arrested by Malchus (Tenor) and a group of Roman soldiers. Peter loses his temper and cuts off the ear of Malchus. Jesus picks the ear up and restores it to the head of Malchus. Jesus is led away by the soldiers.
One or two disciples follow in the direction the soldiers took. One by one, the other disciples leave in the opposite direction until only Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary the mother of Jesus are left on the darkening stage.

          Jesus With A Crown Of Thorns       Jesus Carrying Cross to Golgotha 

       Jesus On The Cross  

      The Body of Jesus Being Reclaimed By Mary

ACT III Running Time: 27 minutes
Jesus was taken to the Temple where he was subjected to a trial by the Sanhedrin. The scene opens with what has been a long, drawn out procession of witnesses who one by one perjure themselves with contrived testimony.against Jesus. The lies compound upon each other making it appear that Jesus was a dangerous terroristic influence loosed upon society. Jesus has remained stone-faced and silent through the testimony until Caiaphas puts a direct question to him, “Are you the Son of God?” The correct answer by Jesus inflames Caiaphas and the assembled group.
The next scene takes place in the garden of the Roman provincial governor, Pontius Pilate. Jesus has been taken there for judgment and for permission from Pilate to execute Jesus as a criminal. Pilate, himself a Jew, questions Jesus. Jesus admits under Pilate’s close questioning that he is the Son of God. Pilate offers Jesus a chance to avoid certain death. The resounding silence from Jesus in answer sets the events leading to his death in motion.
The scene shifts to a public one where Pilate asks the crowd which of the two criminals they want released from execution, Barabbas (a common criminal) of the Nazarene, Jesus. The crowd roars for the release of Barabbas. Jesus is roughly taken from the stage by the Roman guards.
Jesus, appearing to have been savagely beaten, slowly carries a wooden cross onto the stage. The group makes its way to the area where the crucifixion takes place. Among the crowd of people assembled, Mary Magdalene, Salome and Mary the mother of Jesus sit together with Peter and John. The rest of the disciples are interspersed in the crowd. Jesus is crucified and later his body goes limp. At that moment, the stage lights flicker and grow dim.

   Empty Tomb of Jesus    

ACT IV Running Time: 20 minutes, 43 seconds
This act opens with a conversation taking place among the Roman guards assigned to watch the tomb where the body of Jesus was placed. The song, “News of the Day” is sung by the Roman guards. A brief melodic interlude introduces the next scene in which a male angel appears before the surprised centurions. The angel easily moves the huge round stone from the tomb’s entrance. The centurions rush away in sheer fright past a group of women: Mary Magdelene, Salome, and Mary the mother of Jesus.
The angel announces to the women that Jesus is alive and that Jesus has gone on to Galilee where he planned to meet them. The happy song, “He’s Alive!” is introduced by the angel (Sopranist) and the rest of the women join in singing. After a brief melodic interlude, “Mother Mary’s Song” is reprised as an instrumental trio with classical, acoustic, and electric bass guitars.
The final scene is on a mountain top. The women and the disciples are gathered together. A near-luminous Jesus (hologram) appears among them for the last time. The song, “Lord’s Prayer” is sung by all. Jesus says a final goodbye to his mother and vanishes from the stage.

 Transfiguration of Jesus

ACTS I – IV Total Running Time for entire opera: 1 hour, 31 minutes
Four Acts. Scored for full orchestra, solo voices and chorus.
Composer created libretto for opera.
Composer created the piano reduction for the Vocal Score.

Full Score: 18 x 24 (87 pages)
Vocal Score: 11 x 17 (93 pages)
Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score, vocal score and one copy of each instrumental part
Orchestral: U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3351968; SRU907758. ASCAP Title No.: 423027834.
Vocal Score: U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3394887; SRU935891. ASCAP Title No.: 423572610.
Piccolo 1-2
Flute 1-4
Alto Flute 1-2
Bass Flute 1-2
Oboe 1-4
Bb Clarinet 1-4
F Alto Clarinet 1-2
Eb Contralto Clarinet 1-2
Bass Clarinet 1-2
Contrabass Clarinet
Bassoon 1-4
Contrabassoon 1-2
Horn in F 1-8
Bb Trumpet 1-6
Trombone 1-6
Euphonium 1-2
Bb Bass Tuba
Snare Drum 1-2
Bass Drum 1-2
Taiko Drums
Concert Harpsichord
Classical Guitar
Acoustic Guitar
Electric Bass Guitar
Violin 1-4
Viola 1-4
Cello 1-4
Double Bass 1-4

Vocal Solos and Chorus

Pope Benedict XVI                 
Pope Benedict XVI    

      Pope Benedict XVI 

 3-31-09--Vatican--Letter from Secretariat of State

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