Opus 82
Subtilus Krikštas
Subtle Epiphany
Approx. Time: 17 minutes, 11 seconds
This moody work is scored for solo piano. The music has several shifts in tempo and emotion. Music is dedicated to two wonderful people we met at the Conservatory of Music and Dance at the University of Missouri-Kansas City: Dr. Beth Elswick, with whom we spent many delightful sessions in her Music Theory classroom where she gave us the greatest gift anyone has ever bestowed upon us―she taught us “how to listen”; and, Mr. Richard Williams, the absolute best pianist that anyone would ever want to accompany them in an audition for Kansas City's Lyric Opera chorus. During our audition, we handed the sheet music to Richard sitting at the grand piano and began to quickly tell him about the tempo of the music we were planning to sing only seconds later. His wry smile and gentle words, “I'll stay with you.....” put us completely at ease for the audition performance. These impeccable “teachers” are excellent musicians and hold Grandmaster status in our estimation of them both. Thank you.
Full Score: 11 x 17 (9 pages)
Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score and one copy of each instrumental part
U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3540885; SRU1005474
ASCAP Title No.: 882437286
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