Saturday, October 8, 2011

Musique pour le Pianoforte Quatre Books 1 - 6

Opus 28
Musique pour le Pianoforte Quatre - Book 1
Music for Four Pianoforte
Approx. Time: 31 minutes
We wanted to do some musical exploration in twenty movements with composing for four pianos. Book 1 has the first five of twenty planned movements that will be featured in a Signature Series collection.
We are dedicating this series to our loving memories of Patricia Jeanne Kang.

Maze of Sadness
Underground Passages
Dreams Beneath the Sun
Spatial Study
Remembering Love Lost Forever

Full Score: 11 x 17 (206 pages)
Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score and one copy of each instrumental part.
U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3437500, SRU935891; ASCAP Title No.: 880397991
Pianoforte 1
Pianoforte 2
Pianoforte 3
Pianoforte 4


Opus 29
Musique pour le Pianoforte Quatre - Book 2
Music for Four Pianoforte
Approx. Time: 24 minutes, 8 seconds
We wanted to do some musical exploration in twenty movements with composing for four pianos. Book 2 features the second five of twenty planned movements for this unique Signature Series collection created by Richard Larencio Matthis
We are dedicating this Signature Series to our many loving memories of Patricia Jeanne Kang who left for Heaven with a cadre of angels on November 8, 2007.

One Viewpoint from the Precipice
Falling Through Dark Emptiness
Looking Upward from Challenger Deep, Marianas Trench
Glass Menagerie Dance
A Sombre Tone Poem

Full Score: 11 x 17 (159 pages)

Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score and one copy of each instrumental part
U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3437500, SRU935891; ASCAP Title No.: 880423252

Pianoforte 1
Pianoforte 2
Pianoforte 3
Pianoforte 4
Opus 31
Musique pour le Pianoforte Quatre - Book 3
Music for Four Pianoforte
Approx. Time: 26 minutes, 5 seconds
We wanted to do some musical exploration in twenty movements with composing for four pianos. Book 3 features the next three of twenty planned movements for this unique collection created by Richard “Larencio” Matthis
We are dedicating this Signature Series to our many loving memories of Patricia Jeanne Kang who left for Heaven with a cadre of angels on November 8, 2007.

Dwarf Planets in Solar System: Pluto
Dwarf Planets in Solar System: Eris
Dwarf Planets in Solar System: Ceres

Full Score: 11 x 17 (111 pages)
Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score and one copy of each instrumental part
U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3437500, SRU935891; ASCAP Title No.: 880435093
Pianoforte 1
Pianoforte 2
Pianoforte 3
Pianoforte 4
Opus 36
Musique pour le Pianoforte Quatre - Book 4
Music for Four Pianoforte
Approx. Time: 20 minutes, 51 seconds

We wanted to do some musical exploration in twenty movements with composing for four pianos. Book 4 features the next two of twenty planned movements for this unique Signature Series collection created by Richard Larencio Matthis.
We are dedicating this Signature Series to our many loving memories of Patricia Jeanne Kang who left for Heaven with a cadre of angels on November 8, 2007.

Dwarf Planets in Solar System: MakeMake
Dwarf Planets in Solar System: Charon

Full Score: 11 x 17 (89 pages)
Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score and one copy of each instrumental part
U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3437500, SRU935891; ASCAP Title No.: 880441282
Pianoforte 1
Pianoforte 2
Pianoforte 3
Pianoforte 4
Opus 37
Musique pour le Pianoforte Quatre - Book 5
Music for Four Pianoforte
Approx. Time: 22 minutes, 47 seconds
We wanted to do some musical exploration in twenty movements with composing for four pianos. Book 5 features the next three of twenty planned movements for this unique Signature Series collection created by Richard Larencio Matthis.
We are dedicating this Signature Series to our many loving memories of Patricia Jeanne Kang who left for Heaven with a cadre of angels on November 8, 2007.

Lost in a Woodland Paradise
Soaring Upward with the Wings of Icarus
d'un Plateau Cosmique
Tone Poem: Heard from a Cosmic Plateau

Full Score: 11 x 17 (96 pages)
Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score and one copy of each instrumental part
U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3437500, SRU935891; ASCAP Title No.: 880473350
Pianoforte 1
Pianoforte 2
Pianoforte 3
Pianoforte 4
Opus 38
Musique pour le Pianoforte Quatre - Book 6
Music for Four Pianoforte
Approx. Time: 16 minutes, 9 seconds
We wanted to do some musical exploration in twenty movements with composing for four pianos. Book 6 features the final two movements of the Signature Series created by Richard Larencio Matthis.
We are dedicating this Signature Series to our many loving memories of Patricia Jeanne Kang who left for Heaven with a cadre of angels on November 8, 2007.

Dancing Along the Edge of the Heavenly Sphere
Final Spasm of Conflict: Armageddon

Full Score: 11 x 17 (108 pages)
Instrumental Parts: 11 x 17
Performance Bundle: Includes full score and one copy of each instrumental part
U.S. Copyright Registration: PAU3437500, SRU935891; ASCAP Title No.: 880516380
Pianoforte 1
Pianoforte 2
Pianoforte 3
Pianoforte 4
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